
Bear of The Day: Noodles and Beef

1:17 AM

Finally I'm back to my hometown, which means stable Internet connection! Yay!

And this means bear pics. Finally!

So today I am going to feature... what else? Bears.

Now today's bear of the day is Dylan. He's the owner of this Tumblr blog, noodlesandbeef.com. I've admire him a long time ago, and I discovered that I actually have his photos in my bear album.

Yup, that's him. Here's a closer look.

That's him without a beard.

That's him with his bubble butt. And  yes, I admit I love that butt.

Another butt pic...

And that's him relaxing in a tub. 

So please, click on the link above to find out more about this handsome and sexy guy. His blog is filled with tips on photography, recipes and, of course, more bear pics. Certainly an interesting read filled with eye candy galore and not blunt nudity.

Oh, you won't find any pics of his penis in his blog. But, you can certainly TRY to find it on Queerclick Asians, if you are that curious. I've seen it before once upon a time. 

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