
The Unspeakables

5:26 AM

It's now 5.40am in the morning here, I'm doing assignments in the middle of my study week.

And suddenly I have this fire burning inside of me. This fire that cannot be doused with any water or fire extinguisher.

I need to get it extinguished soon, or the consequences will be bad.

If you're guessing the other thing, yes. I am horny. There, I've said it!

So in the mean time, some wonderful illustrations by illustrator, Mr. J Bone.

And last one from Jiraiya. I love his artwork! Men can be so perfect through his eyes...

And that's about it. Back to work!

P/S: If only I have a dog to accompany with and nice tighty whities. I'm now sharing a room so have to wear shorts to sleep. Which I start to get bored with. Sleeping in undies are the best!

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