
Porn Vids and A Buff Bod

2:26 AM

Today when I was going through a conversation with my best friend, who's obviously as gay as me, we talked about porn and what we had in our collection.

I have like 3 GB and he has like close to 9GB. But being gay men who are seriously sick of finding a place to release all these tension, what can you expect?

And then you see all those porn stars with buff bods and such, I suddenly think that it's hard to achieve such a physique, much less maintaining it. I'm in a country where food is so abundant that everywhere you turn around, there's bound to be something good to eat.

And when it's good to eat, it's not good for the Muscle Gods.

I read somewhere that gay men should not just be obsessed about sex, finding the right partner and such. But really, I bet the heteros are also doing the same thing. Just not that much like us.

But really, I do not just talk about these things all the time. I have a life, ya know. It's just that when the hormones starts to rise and materials just *poof* out of nowhere, the brain starts to think differently.

P/S: I saw one guy today browsing through books at the Times fair nearby, and oh my, his shoulders are so broad and his chest is so damn delicious! And he wears glasses, and he certainly reads! Another bespectacled G-Man, can see but cannot touch. Sigh...

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