
Voice Of Men

1:17 AM

I tried to post pics on blogger, but I really do not know whether it's my broadband connection or is it google's problem. So beary pics will have to wait for a while.

While listening to songs on youtube, I found something worth a mention.

It's a tumblr with the name Voice Of Men, featuring computer generated audios of the pop divas of our time, such as Beyonce, singing in her alter-ego male voice.

It's quite nice to hear a different range, especially if you're a male, trying to find a suitable range to sing your favourite pop song. Have you wonder how Adele's "Rolling In The Deep" will sound like if it's sung by a male? Maybe this can help you.

But when I pressed play for Britney Spear's "I Wanna Go", I couldn't help but thinking it's a gay slut who's singing it.

One of the weird things that you can find on the internet. LOL

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