
Poisonous Friends

5:37 PM

It saddens you when you know that the people whom you used to know will do something so wrong towards you.

I won't mention who and I won't mention what happened. Let's just say I've been taken for granted to the max.

To think that I used to do so much and even care for them when they have problems? Another few people to cross off from my wedding invitation list.

Even their group of friends think that they behave in such unimaginable selfish ways.  And I, only noticed it like a few days ago. How fucking stupid have I been!

Never again. Now I cease all contacts with them unless I have important matters. It's just a "Hi" and "Bye" from now on.

Fuck you, fuck you very very much.

Maybe I'll write about what really happened next time. Ciao.

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  1. It feels bad, but the good thing is that you know now who are those poisonous friends. Better than not knowing it at all. =)

  2. Yup. Better than not knowing at all, rotiboy.
