
Voiceless Diva

1:48 AM

I'm sorry, but I just have to post this for shits and giggles. ROTFLTIDMS

Rolling On The Floor Laughing Till I Dropped My Sombrero.

After a Hiatus and Maybe More

1:46 PM
It's been a month and more that I wrote anything here. Well, having insufficient internet connections is a major problem. Adding in all the activities in between like moving houses, having holidays, and preparing for my last battle with the monsters of my university, it's been a life changing time this year for me.

But today, this post here is dedicated to my dad. It's Father's Day this weekend, just in case you've forgotten.

Now, about my dad. My dad is now approaching his 50's, but you'll be surprised if you compare his photographs when he was in his 20's and now. He barely changed at all, except for a few creases on his forehead. 

He's a mechanic and very loyal with his job for about 22 years and counting. Dark, rugged and handsome, he has similar features to David Gandy, but has a squarish face instead and not as tall. A very distinctive feature is his dark and thick eyebrows that frames his chiseled face. Add a tanned complexion overall due to his nature of work and that's my dad. 

Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near his chiseled good looks or have his sun-kissed complexion. The only feature that I inherited from him is his high cheekbones and forehead. But I'm not going to elaborate further about me. 

With a face like that (also a body to match), it's not surprising that he has bachelorettes lining up all the way from Penang. That's what my mother said. "You know there's this girl who came all the way from Penang, wanting to find him?" It couldn't be further from the truth.

About his personality, he's actually quite an extroverted person during his younger days. He even has this disco outfit tailor made that he wore every Saturday night. My grandma still keeps that outfit. LOL. 24 years of marriage has mellowed him into a loving person, with a more gentler side at times despite his rugged looks.

I think I've repeated this story here before, but I'll do it anyway. When I first came out to my parents, my mum was distressed and she thinks that I am somewhat blaming her when I said "I was born this way". Then my dad explained mum's situation to me and I tried hard to explain and make them understand that this is not what I meant. All this happened on the phone, through sms and calls. Bad timing, I know.

But at last, my dad sent me an sms saying no matter who I'll be, I'll always be their son and they love me very much. That sms sent me soaring to the heavens knowing that my dad can accept who I truly am. I cried a little and felt that I was truly blessed to have a dad like him. 

In his eyes, my brothers and me are his most precious ones. He loves us very much, giving it unconditionally. And I love you too, dad. 

Happy Father's Day.   

P/S: I don't know when I'll have the chance to post again, so it may be quite some time before I resume my normal timing. Tata for now. :)