
The Road Less Taken

1:04 AM
It's been some time since I posted anything, with all the work, emotional stress, moving back to my hometown, and basically, being busy about life itself.

Yup, so I made the decision to go to the island down south, that is Singapore, after many months of deliberation.

Thank you so much Tuls for your comment. I am touched and I appreciate the fact that you took time to write it. :) I took the road less taken, for me that is, but not the road not taken.

In case you are wondering why this decision is so important, it is because if I am to go there, the chances of working in the same career path that I've been studying for so long is almost nil. And I am now a Bachelor in Graphic Design and Multimedia.

The other reason why I choose to go there is because I really, really want to have my own house before I reach 30. If you are suggesting the new gahmen scheme for people who haven't own a house yet, let me just say, I am aware of how my country's financial state is.

With the kind of pay that I'm getting here, it's not helping at all. Sure, I can have a main job and do part-time jobs on the side, but I want to have holidays and other little luxuries of life too. Then there are going to be bills to pay. I'm trying to work smart here, to support my dream and to achieve the kind of lifestyle that I would like to have.

I do hope I can achieve my dream. And then get married, maybe.

I'll be leaving in a week's time. Wish me luck.

The Road Not Taken

12:26 AM
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry, I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

...I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

I think most of you have heard of this poem, but if you have not, then this excerpt is taken from the poem named "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. It's exactly describing what I'm going through right now.

Should I, or should I not? The less traveled by? Which road is the less traveled by? I see both are trodden with enough soil and dirt, not a single petal of rose in sight.

Sometimes both seems equally bright, but sometimes both seems equally dim.

This may be the biggest decision in my life for the time being. My career is at stake! But once chosen, there's no turning back.

I can only pray.