
So Many Things Have Happened...

4:21 PM
And I barely know where should I start.

My grand aunt passed away and this is my first time sending someone till the end, going through all the last rites. I didn't even did that when my grandma and grandpa on my mother's side passed away.

I went to Jennifer Lopez's concert. Amazing performer and entertainer, certainly not a singer. And yes, I can see why her booty is insured for that amount of money.

I went to USS, or Universal Studios Singapore. Had lots of fun with my swan prince.

I found out that the KFC in Singapore is not worth eating. Hot and Spicy is neither hot or spicy, just a crispier version of the Original.

I still haven't find a job despite all the applications I've sent and the interviews that I've attended. It's hard finding a job here.

After coming down to Singapore, I appreciate and love my country even more. People here are so sad and so scared it makes me think about the saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side." We may not have money but we are indeed happier than them in a way.  

That's it for now. Until next time till I write again.