
Change Is The Only Constant In Our Lives

8:14 PM

I used to think I hate change. I do not like to accept whatever changes that are going in my life. But it is the only constant. The only thing that will be here forever unchanging is change itself.

There are things that I used to like, or used to do, and I'm now not doing it or liking it. Maybe this part of me is taking a little rest, a little something that is still me, just that it's not the time to manifest itself.

Am I still swearing a lot like I used to? Well, no. I do it for the fun value these days, but nah, I have not been swearing regularly. Am I being more "domestic"? If I do have a house of my own, I actually will. Doing chores, go grocery shopping, that old regular stuff that we all morph ourselves into after college.

But in between these changes, I've discovered something else. I've discovered that I actually like the simple life. I actually love to have a very laidback lifestyle in the 'kampung', with orchards and a clean as well as beautifully decorated stilt-house. Put in a hammock, and internet, oh my, I don't want to leave. Ever. And if I ever have a house of my own, I want to decorate it into my very own oasis and rent out a room on AirBnb.

I have always love travelling and that love will never die inside of me. Going to hotels, booking pretty little guesthouses, browsing hotels on booking.com, and planning trips, it's all quite fun to me.

And I still love to eat. Going on a roadtrip just to eat stuff. Finding buffets to eat stuff. Baking my first cheesecake and gobble it all up. Trust me, if you haven't bake a cheesecake before, you should try it. It's the loveliest thing ever, beating all other cheesecakes out there. Food Foundry cheesecakes suck big time, and I swear my amateur ones taste much better and more original than theirs.

I'm still as enthusiastic as ever, even though I realise I am now a fully-grown man. I can gush over the latest movie, rant how good is this product that I use, and making a big fuss out of stuff that some people just don't matter.

I am now actually INTERESTED to watch Star Wars (I just don't get it before this but right now I really want to try) after Gravity, Lucy, and some other sci-fi movies that I've watched. Not a certified geek, but still is a nerd at heart.

And I discovered I love my friends very much. They are no longer my room mates, my college mates, they are just friends. Some of them I know will follow me through this journey we call life. Some I've known for like 6 years. It's going to be 7 years soon.

I also discovered that I still am placing family as the first priority in my life. When compared to my career, my career is going to take a backseat first. Is this good? Well, considering the fact that when there are three air disasters happening in and around my country, together with the great wall of flood we had this year, family is still first. I love all of them a lot, maybe more than they realise I would.

Another that remains a constant is that I find myself always love to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. No matter a stranger or a friend, we all need some help in our lives. We all need some good in it, among all these things that have happened.

Although it's already the third day of this 2015 when I completed this post, I wish all of you a Happy Blessed New Year. May this year bring much joy and happiness to all of you need it, and enough sorrows to keep you thinking how fortunate and lucky you are. 

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