Love of my Life

The Swan Prince

1:53 AM

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived The Swan Prince.

The Swan Prince is what his name is. Smooth, fair skin; very tall, handsome, graceful and a gentleman. With a more effeminate attitude to match.

Having 4 previous relationships, The Swan Prince gave up on love, for he almost found what he searched, but the same thing happened all over again.

And in the same kingdom, there lived The Ugly Duckling. Although he is growing up to be a swan, he had been ridiculed by his friends, reminding him of his ugly past, which he keeps it in a form of a photogram in his money pouch.

The Ugly Duckling was also searching for his one true love. It never came to him. Having endless courtships and infatuations, he decided one fine day to be happy with himself and let love find him when the time comes, as it should be.

On one silent night, as The Ugly Duckling goes through The List, where people usually hope to find love enlist themselves on The List, he came across The Swan Prince.

It doesn't occur to him at that moment that The Swan Prince could be his one true love, and as usual procedures in people who are on The List, they send little messages to each other, as to get to know each other better.

Eventually, they came out and met each other. They talked. And talked. And talked.

This went on for a few weeks. They were talking about each others battle scars, the most expensive armor in the world, and even women's most fashionable medieval accessories.

It got to a point where the topic of relationships came out, and a hypothesis was created, whereby if a partner is willing to wait for his one true love, what is the answer shall be?

The Ugly Duckling answered, "If my one true love is willing to wait for me, he places me on a very high value, the value of time itself."

"I would say yes. And I am willing to wait together with my one true love."

The Swan Prince is baffled with his answer. Never before has he seen somebody with such a degree of articulation, well-spoken, and certainly knows what he wants.

And he sincerely asked The Ugly Duckling, "I am willing to be the one to wait for you."

The Ugly Duckling was in awe at that time. Never before has he been asked before, and never before he has someone confiding his sincere feelings.

So dumbstruck that The Ugly Duckling was; he wanted to say "Yes" but no voice came out from his mouth, although deep in his heart, the little blossoms of love begins to bloom.

In the end, he reached for his necklace, where he placed two rings. The rings are from his mother, meant to be given one of them to his one true love. He took one out and placed it in front of The Swan Prince.

And from there, The Ugly Duckling is very sure that he has found his one true love.

They may not live together happily ever after, as in what they do in fairytales, but The Ugly Duckling certainly knows one thing for certain.

The Swan Prince will always be the first one who took his heart away.

Phones I Had

12:02 PM
So yesterday while having dinner with moi boyfriend (Yes, I have a boyfriend! Hallelujah!! I'll post how we met and stuff like that some time later), we talked about what phones we had in the past. So it got me thinking, remembering all those phone models I had.

The very first phone I had was Nokia 3310, a hand-me-down from dad. That was while I'm still in primary and that phone is used for emergencies only.

The second one was a Sony Ericsson T630, a hand-me-down from mum. One of the early phones that has Bluetooth. That one was also used for emergency calls back home to my family during school time. I thought that was my coolest phone ever. And one fine day it stopped working due to the battery.

The third one was a Samsung e350, a hand-me-down from mum. That one I use during my early foundation days. But that phone also got spoiled. This time was not the battery problem, it's the keypad. Fixing it is really not cost efficient.

Then I bought myself a budget Nokia phone, the Nokia 1650. This is the first phone I bought using my own money. It did not get spoiled, but instead mum wanted me to exchange with her for another phone, so that this budget Nokia can be given to my uncle.

So I get another hand-me-down from mum, a Nokia 6288. That time it was the most IN thing, having 3G, which is quite an advanced technology (I repeat, THAT time). I absolutely love this phone. With such a big screen, nice camera and a slider, it was one of my most beloved phone to date. It has a nice feel and weight to it, which made me love it even more.

Sadly, as all electronic devices are destined to be, it's spoiled. Even changing the battery doesn't work, because the internal electronics got so hay wired that it will drain the battery in a matter of three hours.

And then, here comes my second beloved phone, the Nokia Xpress Music 5130. Being a music oriented budget phone, it's very nice in terms of design; funky wallpapers, themes, nice GUI for the music player, lights up when it rings. Also it has a 3.5 mm jack, which can be used with headphones! And that's the second phone I bought for myself.

This time, the phone got lost when I dropped it off when using a taxi to ride back home when going back from One Utama. This one is another unfortunate event, where I used a bus to go back from One Utama back to my place. I took the wrong bus, and it got me into this very 'san ka la' place, further up from The Strand. It was really a fucked up moment at that time.

I called my number but the taxi driver just would not pick it up. I got really heart broken. I used my PTPTN money to buy that baby back home. :(

After that came a clam shell Sony Ericsson, the R306, marketed as a budget radio phone. Also another hand-me-down from mum. This is my most horrible experience with a phone. It has so little memory that it could not even store much messages! I have to keep on delete like mad just to keep it sane enough. Terrible phone.

Mum actually considered the fact that she would want to buy me a nice phone. I almost bought a Blackberry back home, but considering the fact that I would have to pay for internet, phone calls, sms, and the BBM service, it's not worth it unless I'm working.

In the end, I decided I'll continue to use hand-me-downs until the time I can actually have my own salary to buy a nice phone for myself.

So what I am using now? A Sony Ericsson F305 in white. It's fine, but the casing is  cracking all over because I dropped it a few times. Well, after that few drops it's still very sturdy, so I don't mind. It even has an extra memory card, so I can store a number of songs to listen to. That's fine.

The colours of these phone shown here is what I had. And thinking about it, most of my phones are budget phones, not more than RM500. Unless you counted the SE T630 and Nokia 6288, both are over RM500 during their glory days.

So what phone I want to have these days? A smartphone, either from Samsung or HTC. iPhone is so overrated, everybody has it! Even my mom and brother. An iPhone 4 and 3GS respectively. It has lost its exclusivity which once attracted me.

If Nokia starts to have Android, and puts it into one of those Blackberry styled phones, I'll buy it in a heartbeat. That won't happen anytime soon though.

Why I want to have a smartphone? Well, looking at the fact that everything is gearing towards the way of the smartphone (eg : QR codes) , it's going to be a necessity soon. And the rates of 3G connectivity will drop in the future. I believe that'll happen.

Also, Whatsapp-ing my darling will be fun. :) No more Grindr or Jack'd for me!
Love of my Life

Two Less Lonely People In The World

10:46 PM

Two less lonely people in the world
And its gonna be fine
Out of all the people in the world
I just can't believe you're mine
In my life where everything was wrong
Something finally went right
Now there's two less lonely people
In the world.....Tonight.

Thank you for loving me so so so much. :))))

Sunday News: Lin Dan

1:11 AM
A few hours ago, Lin Dan won the final badminton match, between him and Dato' Lee Chong Wei.

And again, his usual trick when he win the finals, he'll take off his shirt. And my, my, I only thought badminton players are usually a bit more to the skinny side. But that man is well-defined enough for his physique.

Enough to grace the covers of Men's Health China.

Also looking very suave here in this photo!

Having a very cocky and bad ass attitude makes him even more appealing. Bad boys are also in my Book of Attraction. 

And, do you want to see his bulge?

It's on Queer Click Asians. But it's an NSFW site. Here is Lin Dan's bulge. 

Have a happy work day tomorrow, and God bless Malaysia to be number one in badminton next year. :)
Bears (NSFW)

How To Have... (NSFW)

11:37 PM
How to have gay sex.

1. Call boyfriend or fuck buddy. If unavailable, go online and search for a one-night-stand. If you're more adventurous, go cruising. Worse come to worst, go and find a gigolo.

2. Kiss your partner. Passionately. Make sure you brush your teeth. In the case of unavailable teeth cleaning instrument, eat mint candies.

3. Take it off. Leave undies untouched. Explore. Use your five senses. This is foreplay.

4. Touch more. Explore more. Don't know your way? Ask. Foreplay is important. Enjoy watching each others bulge.

Press the link to read more. NSFW ahead.

Bears (NSFW)


12:06 AM

Cute bears from Japan having stinky tofu at Taiwan. I couldn't resist to share this! Their expressions are hilarious.

Have you eaten stinky tofu before? I know the pasar malam at Taman Connaught has one, but the first time I ate it was at Setapak, near to the LRT station. The uncle opens his stall almost every night after 9pm or 10pm,  I think.

And when he opens, you don't need to ask for directions. Just follow your nose.

Was it something I like? Well, it's an acquired taste like durian or petai. Though I love those two, stinky tofu is something that I'll not be craving anytime soon. And mind you, those tofu are deep fried, so it's very heaty.

No Promises

12:02 AM

Hey baby when we are together,
Doing things... that we love...
Every time you're near I feel like I'm in heaven... Feeling high
I don't want to let go, babe
I just need you to know, babe

I don't wanna run away, baby you're the one I need tonight,
No promises.
Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your arms...

Here tonight.

Something unexpected back then on that night. But I didn't hold anymore hope for it. I just wonder why did it happened so late. Too late.

Or this heart will soften up again?

Anyway, this vid has been shared around in blogs that I read. Enjoy.

Bears (NSFW)


12:00 PM
DILBF=Dads I'd Liked to Be Fucked.

Hugh Jackman. 

Full name: Hugh Michael Jackman
Born: 12 October 1968, 42 years old to date
Occupation: Actor, 1994-Present
Spouse: Debora Lee-Furness, 1996-Present

In November 2008, Open Salon named Hugh Jackman one of the sexiest men alive. People magazine named him "Sexiest Man Alive" later that same month. 

Most famous for his role of Wolverine in X-Men. Also involved in stage musicals, and won a Tony award for his role in The Boy from Oz. 

All facts are from Wikipedia. 

'Nuff said! 

MP Again

4:09 AM
The last time I went there was Valentine's Day, and that was... around half a year ago?

I actually wanted to go during the Merdeka Freedom party, but plans changed and I find myself going with some straight friends tonight which are curious about the scene. And I feel that there won't be a second time for them.

Unexpectedly, I find myself face-to-face with a previous blogger, Red. If you are reading this, it was a pleasure to meet you.

And, I met Pluboy aka Eric Lim. I'm repeating the same old question "Are you pluboy? I'm a fan of your blog.", which you may hear until muak already, so if you're reading this, minta maaf zahir dan batin.

But, the RM 421,119.99 question here (the price tag equivalent to a pink diamond crocodile Hermes birkin) is: Will I be a part of the clubbing scene?

Apparently, no.

I think I'm one of those who appear once in a blue moon. I couldn't possibly bring myself there every Saturday night, though I love dancing with my two left feet, and taking alcohol with no proper biological enzyme to digest it.

And maybe, just maybe, I couldn't handle the dramas that may come with such a lifestyle.

And one of my friends say, "It's hard to find somebody with such a degree of articulation these days." Ok lah, I may be 'angkat bakul' over here, but that's the real me. Nobody calls me 'The Walking Dictionary' without a reason. Better not waste these brain cells by drinking, babeh!

Oh, and there were many cute bears today! Though most are attached or just fooling around.

See you some other time, MP.

What Do You Think About PDAs?

3:43 PM

PDA here refers to Public Display of Affection, not Personal Digital Assistant.

So yesterday, I took the monorail to go to the bus station. As I was riding the monorail, I saw three guys, two Chinese and an Indian, having a conversation. They look very young, like 18 or something.

So my gaydar did not detect anything, they're dressed like all young adults should, with no hint at all about their sexuality. Then, the Indian helped the Chinese guy besides him to adjust his necklace.

Ok, maybe they're really close friends. Then they held each other hands and hugged. Ok, now it's very apparent that they're a couple.

But the very unexpected thing happened next. The Indian guy gave the Chinese a peck on the neck.

My immediate reaction was, "Aww... So sweet!" But I immediately turn my head around to see the public's reaction.

There's this 50 year old uncle shaking his head.

There's this bunch of naive schoolgirls, all pointing and giggling.

Then there's this straight couple giving a disgusted look.

Right after the gay couple get off at the next station, there's this straight couple boarding in. Hugging, kissing and the boyfriend even bought these cute little cupcakes for the girlfriend.

No one bat an eyelid towards them.

So, my conclusion is Malaysia still have a very long way to go towards accepting PDAs from the LGBT community.

But, I want to ask all of you out there about such PDAs. No matter it is from a hetero or homo couple, are you comfortable with it? Are you comfortable of having PDAs with your partner? To what extent will you have PDA s with your partner? Do you have anything similar like this to share?

Please write down your comments below. I'm happy to hear what you have to say.

The Shuffling Policemen

5:28 PM

So I found this today on my facebook.

And this answer the question of "What two policemen will do when experiencing a slow day at the office, with a webcam and dancing skills in hand?"

On the other hand, the policeman on the left has an ass that defies gravity. Yum.

I always wonder is it the uniform itself that do wonders to accentuate that curve. During my days in secondary school, I always get these kind of treats on Wednesday. My school has this Kadet Polis co-curriculum club and every Wednesday is co-cuuriculum day.

Some of those guys have such a fine ass and a face to go along with.


The Very First One

12:53 AM
I read this on Fridae and I'm tearing up.

Here's the link, http://www.fridae.asia/newsfeatures/2011/08/01/11063.banquet-for-400-lesbian-wedding-in-malaysia-makes-the-news

OMG, I really couldn't believe it! The full regalia of a traditional Chinese wedding, with banquets, tea ceremony and all those stuff!!

I'm actually weeping tears of joy to know that somebody out there have taken one very big step towards proving that our love for our partners are no different from heterosexual couples.

To those of you, who are lazy to click the link, it's about a lesbian couple from Batu Pahat, Johor. Apple, aged 27, and Thomas, aged 29, has finally agreed to tie the knot after 2 years of dating. 400 guests attended the wedding ceremony.

I used to have no hope at all for this kind of marriage being legalised here. Now, I do.


P/S: Here's the happy couple!