

12:06 AM

Cute bears from Japan having stinky tofu at Taiwan. I couldn't resist to share this! Their expressions are hilarious.

Have you eaten stinky tofu before? I know the pasar malam at Taman Connaught has one, but the first time I ate it was at Setapak, near to the LRT station. The uncle opens his stall almost every night after 9pm or 10pm,  I think.

And when he opens, you don't need to ask for directions. Just follow your nose.

Was it something I like? Well, it's an acquired taste like durian or petai. Though I love those two, stinky tofu is something that I'll not be craving anytime soon. And mind you, those tofu are deep fried, so it's very heaty.

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  1. LOL!
    I like petai, but not durian. I've never tried stinky tofu though. should try it some time.

  2. I tried stinky tofu once only and it's ok. I love petai but try not to eat because the urine will smell worse than 'shit'. Hahaha!!! Furthermore, my boss put an order for all staff not to eat petai during working days. He doesn't want the toilet to stinks.

    As for durian, I used to love it when I was younger but each time I eat, I will surely get fever so I stopped eating and now I never touch the fruit anymore.

  3. I used to buy a the same stall at Tmn COnnaught! :) Just to try a few times!

  4. Rotiboy: You really should! It's "either you like it or you hate it" kind of thing.

    Calvin: That's quite a peculiar rule in the office. About durians, how about the ice-cream or cake?

    Savante: How was it for you?

  5. For ice cream, I prefer vanilla, chocolate or rum & raisin. As for cakes, I love cheese or chocolate ones. What about you?

  6. I like rum & raisin too, Calvin! I also prefer those that comes with fruity flavours. Not much for strawberry, some of them tastes too artificial.

    For cakes, the real blackforest with alcohol, tiramisu with real rum, and the occasional cheesecake. Oh, and also the mille crepe cake. That's heavenly.
