
Sunday News: Lin Dan

1:11 AM

A few hours ago, Lin Dan won the final badminton match, between him and Dato' Lee Chong Wei.

And again, his usual trick when he win the finals, he'll take off his shirt. And my, my, I only thought badminton players are usually a bit more to the skinny side. But that man is well-defined enough for his physique.

Enough to grace the covers of Men's Health China.

Also looking very suave here in this photo!

Having a very cocky and bad ass attitude makes him even more appealing. Bad boys are also in my Book of Attraction. 

And, do you want to see his bulge?

It's on Queer Click Asians. But it's an NSFW site. Here is Lin Dan's bulge. 

Have a happy work day tomorrow, and God bless Malaysia to be number one in badminton next year. :)

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